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Creative Media Film & TV Level 3 Yr 2 Trip to Barcelona


Amount (£)


Creative Media Film & TV Level 3 Year 2 are going on a trip to Barcelona in 2024.

The cost for the trip is £580.00 and can be paid in the following instalments if you wish.

Deposit (non refundable) £200.00 by 30th October. A copy of your passport must be brought in once the deposit has been paid.

Please amend the figure in the box above to the amount that you are paying today.

1st Instalment £180.00 by Thursday 30th November.

2nd Instalment £200.00 by Friday 29th December.

If you decide you cannot come after any of the instalments are paid, you must let us know no more than 10 weeks before travel, which is January 3rd 2024. After this time, refunds will not be available. Please note the refund is also dependent on us finding a replacement for your place to cover the rise of costs.

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